Art is one of the best ways for children to explore and learn with all their senses. It aids in self-expression and emotional regulation. Develops fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and builds confidence.
That said most parents are resistant to art activities due to the mess that usually ensues.
Join my 7-day email course where I share my sanity saving tips for making art with kids.
As adults we tend to grow out of our creativity because we just find it too much effort to set-up and clean-up. But no more! In my email course I am going to share my stress-less method of how to do art with your kids so that everyone can get creative and have fun including you!
You will receive 7 emails over 7 days with all the tips, tricks and advice. Also included are downloadable printables, colour charts and sanity saving prep-checklists.
*The course content is also endorsed by an Occupational Therapist and at the end of the course you will receive a special article where the OT high-lights the developmental advantages of the course content.